Sunday, 27 February 2022

Growth Mindset


This week I have researched multiple articles and I have found my favourite:

In this article under the "PERMA-nent change" section I have learned that your wellbeing is important for a growth mindset you cannot just strive and search up articles without building a strong foundation. I have tested all of the these things last week and my procrastination levels dropped drastically. I recommend doing these steps if you want to grow with your happiness and growth mindset levels:

  • Positive Emotion: engaging in hobbies, interests and activities that elicit laughter, smiling, fun, play and positive feelings.
  • Engagement: identifying personal strengths and passions, and activating these through purposeful activity in your work, education and personal life.
  • Relationships: building healthy relationships and connections with others based upon shared interests, values and mutual respect for each other’s needs.
  • Meaning: identifying and connecting to the factors that provide meaning and purpose in your life, and finding ways to express these through action.
  • Accomplishment: setting achievable and meaningful goals, linked to what is personally important, and celebrating both the process and outcome of these tasks.
  • Plus healthy behaviour: health-focused action, such as undertaking physical activity, improving sleep quality, focussing on nutrition and cultivating positive stress management techniques and an optimistic worldview.

Tech Task


Sunday, 20 February 2022

Tutorial 03

Last week I had to come back to the Ruby's Adventure tutorial because of the issues that occured while I was proceeding on with the VR tutorial. I fell behind but I have caught up. My aims are still to be ahead of the work and now that I caught up with this module and the rest of the module I can start working ahead. I found going back to be hard because I had 61 errors and I had to restart the tutorial as I didn't know how to fix them even after asking many people for help. 
Turns out the problem came from me changing the version way back into the start of the tutorial from version 2020.3.29f1 to 2019.4.35f1. I had to do these changes as the Tiles option in the create section was not there therefore I went to the oldest version and I didn't know I had to turn back. Recently I changed it to 2020.3.29f1 and it all the errors disappeared therefore I left the project I made to restart the process and came back to the one I am currently working on. This mistake was a lesson for me to check the errors frequently so I know the second I implement something if it is a mistake or not.


In this week's reading I have learned the following: 

-You do not have to read from beginning to end but let your eyes glance over the sentences. This way thought me how to read a scholarly article in a way that can help my comprehension while saving me some time. 

-Before I begin reading, I must be sure to have a clear topic statement or research question in mind. 

I learned about the different sections in an article like the one in the video and I have also been inspired to carry out a survey to include as a primary source from 

Boudadi, N. and Gutiérrez-Colón, M. (2020). Effect of Gamification on students’ motivation and learning achievement in Second Language Acquisition within higher education: a literature review 2011-2019. The EUROCALL Review, [online] 28(1). Available at:

My Survey

I found this week's reading to benefit me the most as I understand how to read a scholarly article and I have also done lots of research on the Matrix method and at last I finally understand it. I have filled up the chart in an Excel spreadsheet and I find it so much easier to store the information I need in an organized layout. 

My Matrix
I am currently working on my 6th source mentioned in the Harvard Reference in this blog post.

I research articles on the internet through Ecosia and I copy and paste them into a Miro board for me to go through each article and pick the most reliable one.  

My aims for the following week is to start writing my first draft.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Growth Mindset

 Below this paragraph are two quotes that I live by everyday and I feel that my fellow peers would benefit a lot from them. I started researching quotes so that I can be inspired and create my own inspirational quote. I came up with..

"Always try your best if you do the job without care you can expect disappointment."

The message behind this quote means is to strive for your best self and if you receive for example a grade that wasn't what you expected than at least you know you tried your hardest instead of regretting the past. This doesn't mean you have to begin straight away you can grow over time. 

Here are some articles I have read this week that you may find useful:

Harvard References:

Pinterest. (n.d.). Pin on Words are Magic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Feb. 2022].

Pinterest. (n.d.). Pin This | Curate Well Co. | Life quotes to live by, Daily inspiration quotes, Self growth quotes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Feb. 2022].

Tech Task


Sunday, 13 February 2022

Reading 03

In this weeks reading I have learned that gathering my sources in passive method all these years is incorrect and therefore my sabotage my work. I gathered many articles just by passively reading before I learned about this and when I actually sat down to actively read them I found that many of them were not suitable for my topic. All of my articles are stored on a Miro board in my own section of the board as my group has their own organised slots for each person.

My sub topic questions are as follows:

What is gamified learning?

What are the positive effects of gamified learning?

What places did gamified learning have the most benefit?

After doing lots of research I have come to the conclusion that there is no information on my third question: “What places did gamified learning have the most benefit?” Therefore I will have to speak to my professor about this issue and how it will affect my section of the chapter. When we were choosing our topics I made up all the questions for this topic by using the 5 W’s and How method. I also used this method while reading the articles to answer the questions that readers would have when they would read our chapter. This strategy also helped me with my Matrix table. I’m not sure if I did my table correctly however I do see the benefits of it and I may be using it for future assignments. I will have to do further studies on this method. 

screenshot of my Matrix table.

The articles I have chosen:

Tech Task


Tutorial 02

Last week I started the Ruby's Adventure tutorial and I was ahead of the work I should have been doing but I fell behind when I got to...

I couldn't colour the game from my new palette therefore I thought moving onto the VR tutorial would be a better choice as people had no issues with that tutorial. Many people had the same issue as me and I volunteered to move onto the VR tutorial to see what its like and I have wasted time as I need to connect my phone at a certain point in the tutorial. I had nothing to connect any phone to my Macbook. 

I left the tutorial and I warned everyone not to continue with it if you have no way of connecting your phone. Mollie researched for a way to overcome the 2D issue and found this youtube link: 

There was a certain point in the VR tutorial where you had to switch from your current version to the 2019.4.35f1 version therefore I did this to my 2D project aswell becuase when I had to select 2D object> tilemap there were more options instead of leaving it just at tilemap. I found that doing this helped me copy the video and then after a while I didn't need the youtube video anymore and did the rest by myself. My goal for next weeks declarations is to be ahead of the work like last week.


Sunday, 6 February 2022

Tech Task


"After every storm theres lots of sunshine" -Anna Skrzat (My Mom).


Gamified Learning

The traditional book learning methods do not work for everyone and the school system hasn’t changed for hundreds of years. Students suffer from dangerous amounts of anxiety and mental health issues from these traditional methods therefore writing about this chapter is very important to me. I wish I could have had gamified learning as an option throughout my education for a change once in a while. Students reading this chapter will finish the book with the correct resources the past generations should have had.

If you're unsure about this topic two good examples that can describe it are Duolingo and Kahoot. (n.d.). Duolingo Logos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2022].

‌Kontel (n.d.). Kahoot Logo Pink. [online] Auto Ken. Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2022].

Search Strategy

I will be searching for primary and secondary sources for example secondary articles and primary carried out surveys and I will set goals and store all of my research on a Miro board, Notes app and in a folder to keep it safe. The five W's and How is a strategy I cannot avoid. It is a must and I will be categorising all of my research into a specific W or How. I will search for ways in which I can improve my writing by looking for websites in my own time such as the website I suggested for my fellow students on Twitter. 

Citation Management

Friday, 4 February 2022

Tutorial 01

This semester we had a choice between the VR Unity tutorials and 2D Unity tutorials and I have chosen the 2D path. I found the “Get started with Ruby’s Adventure” tutorial to be easy therefore I didn't have any difficulties. These tutorials are different from the tutorials we had last semester as they have pictures or gifs and they are explained in visual words. I found this to be a lot more helpful. I will come back to this tutorial in the future as I think the explanations are very useful. In this tutorial we set up our project, created a new scene and added the main character Ruby. We received the character by downloading the given resource in the overview- “Ruby.png” and in the end we wrote out first script to move the main character. I will talk about the "World Design- Tilemaps" tutorial when the time will come because I am facing difficulties there and I can see how long it will take me to figure out how to solve it. I wish we could learn how to make the characters from scratch instead of downloading the png. I enjoyed the detailed explanations in each step. My goal is to perhaps finish the 2D path and personally try out the VR path.