Sunday 6 March 2022

Reading 06

I found the matrix method to really help me with the beginning of my first draft as I understood the information and I knew it was reliable therefore changing it to my own words/ my own understanding. I find it hard to include the introduction, description, evaluation and conclusion structure into the "What is gamified learning" question. In contrast to my positive effects question I will include my own survey conducted through Google forms that will support one of my sources therefore in that section I will not rely only on secondary sources. Currently I have 16 responses. I am close to my goal of completing my first draft my only problem is the other modules that have recently been squashed together. I found starting the writing very difficult as I tried to figure out a way to implement the essay writing structure but I went forward to my next question and I couldn't stop writing. My goal is to try my best to implement structure and more detail to my first point. I also put down "mention groups topics" as I still need to consult my group about their introductions of their questions. I see that my first point is an introduction to the chapter therefore this is needed.

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