Sunday 14 November 2021


This is an image from my prototype. I came to the conclusion that my original plan to implement Roblox controls into my game is impossible as I cannot find any information on how I can do this. I tried coding it myself but I had multiple errors therefore I restarted my code and I used tutorials on youtube to help me. I went back to the Unity tutorials to help me aswell and I found that this helped the most. The player character has perfect controls now and they can use either WASD or the arrows to play my game. I am more happy with this as the user can choose whichever controls are more comfortable for them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dominika,

    It's unfortunate that you can't implement the Roblox style controls into your game right now but don't give up hope! I'm sure if you were to watch some YouTube tutorials you would have a better knowledge on what to do. If you know how to add basic controls to a game like WASD, you can certainly add other controls! But I like what you have so far, I'm really excited to see what you come up with in the end!
    I LOVE that your dog Lucy is your inspiration for the game, I'm sure she'd be so proud!
