Sunday 14 November 2021

Games Decisions


Article 1

In this article in the second attempt I learned that simplicity is key to a successful game when it comes to the features/ skills. I was already going to implement this into my own game as I am using the Roblox skills/ features. In this section the writer of this article states that you should use the skills people already know but I personally disagree because personally people like myself like a challenge and learning new skills would fulfil this. When it comes to features I will be using the Main Menu for “Play, Settings and Quit” for the buttons.I connected with the learning curve for complex Webb apps section as whenever I fail the advanced features I begin getting frustrated. I learned that you gain the knowledge and skills of using advanced options over time. You need to learn the basics and also seek help in articles or tutorials. I will do research on books like that online and buy them to grow my knowledge in Multimedia, Website Developing etc. I learned that the learning curve for the game grows faster steadily as the user obtains more information because it’s fun.

Through this article I have learned that this is called "exploratory learning".

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