Sunday 7 November 2021

Game Design Document

I am worried my idea will be too complex but I will try my hardest to fulfill my ideas and make this user experience calming and fun. Here is my GDD for my game that will go by the name “Lucy”…

primary source: 
the main character:


  1. Wow Dom this idea was really cool and I think using your dog as the main character in this it would be really cool. I wonder how you're going to create these scenes? Will you be using the unity assets store? What if you were to have other dogs in it too, like a character design aspect. Really looking forward to how this is going to turn out keep up the good work

  2. Haha I love how your incorporating your dog as the main character in your game, wish I could do that now >.<, your idea sounds really unique, you say the control is something similar to Roblox but it's giving me real Crash Bandicoot vibes, that could be a source of inspiration or intel maybe? Overall I really like the idea, I wonder how your going to make Lucy as an asset though, you could make her a cute little blocky player model and use some simple animations and a "Woof" sound effect as your jump noise to make it seem like a dog :)

  3. Hey Dominika , really good game design document , was great to read through it to see what your planning for your game . You have some really good ideas there. I haven't played roblox so don't understand the controls to well but it seems like they could work really well for what you are going for . Your game idea kind of reminds me of that game that used to be on mobile , Crossy Roads, not sure if its still there but i used to be addicted to it a few years back. Looking forward to see where you go with your game and what the final game is like.
