Sunday 21 November 2021

First playable

 I find it very difficult to design my game for example the logs in the first part of the obstacle game is very hard to make as the player will fall off immediately. I found making the terrain quite difficult at first but after tutorials on Youtube I made mountains surrounding the start of the obstacle. I made a testing prototype to see what works and what does not. In the testing prototype many of the assets did not work and I’m glad I made this because otherwise I would have ruined my first playable and I would have to restart. I’m meeting my targets by watching YouTube tutorials and the Unity tutorials I have previously done. I am also learning by my mistakes I find that some of the tutorials on YouTube give me errors therefore they are not all reliable. I found this week to be the most productive week in my learning for this module for my project and now I find Unity to be much easier than in the beginning. The challenges I keep having to face are the scripts. For the following week I will try to figure out a way to implement the camera mechanism I strive for and if not then the current mechanisms will remain.


  1. Hey Dominika! Great progress on your game so far, you're way ahead of me anyway . Previous tutorials are a really great help in terms of code and assets. I've been trying to find YouTube tutorials to help with my own game and can't quite find the right ones yet. All the best with your game progress.

  2. Hi Dominika really like the game idea and I struggled with the scripts also and found them hard to do as well. I probably may have to start watching the unity tutorials myself and I really look forward to your finish project.

  3. Hi Dominika! really great progress on the game project! would love to see some Dylan O'Brien characters in there haha but finding some tutorials on youtube is great help too if they're not on unity

  4. Hey Dominika, I really think your game idea is interesting and really excited to see the final product. I was in your same position when I started my game at first. I used an assets from a unity tutorial but when I got to actually design the layout I had to restart it again and add assets from the assets store to change the aesthetics of my game. I also watched YouTube tutorials to help me in the game but not every tutorial is reliable so I test it before using it on my game to not break it. Good Luck!

  5. Hello Dominika,
    Oh my .. I love the trees and the whole setting climate, you look so real like the tree anyway I can see you're finding it difficult to design your game like making logs for the obstacle are you also learning from YouTube tutorials that's funny I can see the in your prototype testing your assets did not work for you so in case you don’t restart if you did make up a backup is always good. I'm glad you're meeting your targets by watching YouTube tutorials and the unity tutorials it's good that you're learning by mistakes the scripts are like the most difficult thing to make as they always have errors an even if you tried to fix word the error is snow is working but it's well that you remain positive and you at least make your own objects.

  6. Hi Dominika, your game looks great so far. I like the use of terrain you used to make the trees be up on a slope / hill. I too need to use terrain in my game as this is a cool way to add some realism / life to the game. It's great to hear that you are using youtube tutorials to help you make your game as this is a good way to learn more about game design. Your game looks great so far and I look forward to the finished product.
