Sunday 21 November 2021

Unity Tutorial 07

 In this lesson I learned to make the camera rotate around a focal point and the player can activate this by using horizontal inputs. In point six I made a mistake with the word "speed" and after saving and going to Unity I had 999+ error and around 40 warnings and when I tried to fix it they didn't disappear therefore I had to restart the prototype as I previously did in the past tutorials. I feel like this tutorial can help me in the coming week with my project as I originally planned to use Roblox controls that include this mechanism. New concepts we have learned this week are texture wraps, camera as child object, global vs local coordinates and get direction of other object. New functionality includes camera rotates around the island based on horizontal input and player rolls in direction of camera based on vertical input.

In this lesson we create an enemy for this sphere to have a purpose in the game. We gave the enemy a texture, created an enemy script to follow the player and most importantly “a method return a spawn point”. This can also help me in my project and this lesson out of the three given lessons was not difficult for me.

In this lesson I learned how to make a power for the sphere that will highlight it and then disappear after 5 seconds.

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