Friday 26 November 2021

Week 9 Reading and Writing

For this week we have to reflect on our readings and overall I do find the readings to be helpful at times for example my favourite reading is the YouTube video for week 6. It helped me construct my own Game Design Document and it was really well explained however the written articles are not my strongest suit as the authors commonly use difficult to understand language. I found the Games MDA article to be the most difficult to process and to this day I have no clear understanding of this concept. I would rate the readings to be a four or five out of ten as it wasn't all unclear as I did find useful work strategies that I will frequently use. I am getting good ideas for my own writing and project after analysing the best best reading segments.

Looking back at the tutorials I feel like some are necessary but most of them if not nearly all of them took up a lot of my time every week and this sabotaged my progress in this module and other modules. I wouldn’t say the reading helps me every week with my game but it does at times. Unity tutorials help me with my game project every week more than the readings. I have made a strategy for my future self as I write my readings and this consists of me saying what I learned, what I found difficult and what I found to be useful for the other tasks or my game. This means I can look back at this and remind myself of the information I have previously learned. I am happy with my game project although it’s a little different from what I originally envisioned but what I thought of would require more time for this kind of development. I consider my game to be my biggest accomplishment in this module. If I had to redo the readings I would spend less time trying to make lots of paragraphs for my blog as I would run out of time for the time estimate. I wouldn't absorb some of the information this way as-well.

I chose this image from my blog post from my “week 6” label on Blogger because as I mentioned before this helped my with my Game Design Document. I really enjoyed this video from the reading as it is my favourite and I am recommending it to my fellow students who chose the articles over the video and people from outside of this course that are perhaps interested in it.

Looking forward from now I would like to have more videos included in the readings just equally as much as there are articles to have a variety of options just like we do for the written articles. 

In conclusion after looking back at the readings there are pros and cons started in the above therefore I am 50:50 with the readings and how much they help me with my project and my knowledge/ skillset in this module.

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