Sunday, 18 December 2022

Publishing Task 3: Final Website Migrated, Plugins and Code Snippet Choices


After deleting any previous databases on phpadmin and wordpress files I began working on CA2. When I finished my localhost I proceeded to buy a domain on ifastnet just like I did for CA1 and I named this When I downloaded the All in One WP migration plugin that is where I got the issue I could not resolve for days. This issue was the maximum upload file size as it was as little as 2MB and my file was 198MB.

I tried a plugin that increases this value but it didn't work, the manual that pops up from "How-to-increase maximum upload file size" and YouTube tutorials but nothing worked. I payed for 6 services on Blackknight in the hopes of the size increasing but instead it said "This site can't be reached" and on a different domain from Blackknight it did work but it was also 2MB. I had no choice but to upload this assignment without migration.


The theme I used was the theme I set a goal on which was Blocksy in my recent publishing task. It was important to me as Blocksy offers a lot and it's simple to edit it. I changed the layout of my Arteview name and the logo beside it by changing the size and placement.


My full list of Plugins:

Akismet Anti-SpamAll-in-One WP MigrationCode SnippetsJetpackSmash Balloon Instagram FeedWooCommerceWP-SweepYITH WooCommerce Wishlist

When I downloaded WooCommerce a lot of the plugins the above came with it. They were important as I wanted my site to be a shop and a blog all in one for artists out there.

Code Snippets

I downloaded the Code Snippets plugin as mentioned in the above and I have the following activated: 

Make upload filenames lowercase

Disable admin bar 

Allow smilies

and Current year